Perpetual Medical Multi-Specialty and Diagnostics, Inc. is a medical institution that offers multiple and the highest quality of service to their clients.
Perpetual Medical Multi-Specialty and Diagnostics, Inc.
Phone Number: 655 7100
Website: Suggest Official Website
Categories: Local Business
Address: Perpetual Building, Quirante II St., 8100 Tagum, Philippines
Where is located?
(GPS Coordinates)
Davao del Norte, Davao Region, Philippines
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List of nearest hotels:
King's Haven Hometel one stars hotel located at Purok Sampaguita, Road 2, Seminary Drive, Davao del Norte, 594 meters north.
Big 8 Corporate Hotel three stars hotel located at National Highway cor Macario Bermudez St. Visayan VIllage, Davao Del Norte , 875 meters southwest.
Molave Hotel two stars hotel located at Osmena Street, Tagum City, 903 meters southwest.
The Lucky 9 Budget Hotel two stars hotel located at Mencidor Avenue, Briz District, 1.01 kilometers east.
The Royale House Travel Inn & Dormitel three stars hotel located at London Drive, Malinawon2, Tagum City. Davao Del Norte, 2.31 kilometers southwest.
Tagum City Lakan's Place two stars hotel located at National Highway, Visayan Village, 2.64 kilometers southwest.
Penny Lane Hotel and Casino five stars hotel located at Apokon Road, Tagum City, 2.89 kilometers southeast.
You can find and book more hotels, hostels and apartments in our interactive hotel map