Savor authentic Chinese cuisine at Choi Garden Clark located at the atrium of Royce Hotel and Casino. Take your pick from a wide array of dimsum, Peking duck, soy chicken and more.
Choi Garden Clark PH
Phone Number: +639171682464
Categories: Chinese Restaurant, Hotel
Opening Hours:
Where is located?
(GPS Coordinates)
Pampanga, Central Luzon, Philippines
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List of nearest hotels:
Prime City Resort Hotel three stars hotel located at Valdez Street, Josefa Subdivision, Malabanias, Pampanga, 347 meters southeast.
ZEN Rooms Valdez Street located at Prime City Resort Hotel, Valdez Street, Josefa Subdivision, Malabanias, Pampanga, 349 meters southeast.
Savannah Resort Hotel five stars hotel located at Don Juico Avenue, Clarkview, 781 meters northwest.
Imerex Plaza Hotel three stars hotel located at 361B Miranda Street, Sto. Rosario, 1.15 kilometers south.
Hafa Adai Court Hotel five stars hotel located at Lot 7 Blk 17 Doolittle Street Hensonville Malabanias, 1.3 kilometers north.
Diamond Spring Hotel one stars hotel located at 192 Mc-Arthur Hi-Way, Balibago, Angeles City, 1.7 kilometers north.
ZEN Rooms MacArthur Highway located at Diamond Spring Hotel, 192 Mc Arthur Hi-Way, Balibago, Pampanga, 1.71 kilometers north.
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